

[09-15 23:10:43]   来源:http://www.duoxue8.com  公共英语考试   阅读:763

  Section II Use of English
  Comparisons were drawn between the development of television in the 20th century and the diffusion of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries. Yet much had happened 1 . As was discussed before, it was not 2 the 19th century that the newspaper became the dominant pre-electronic 3 , following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the 4 of the periodical. It was during the same time the communications revolution 5 up, beginning with transport, the railway, and leading 6 through the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and motion pictures 7 the 20th-century world of the motor car and the airplane. Not everyone sees that process in 8 . It is important to do so.
  It is generally recognized, 9 , that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century, 10 by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s, radically changed the process, 11 its impact on the media was not immediately 12 . As time went by, computers became smaller and more powerful, and they became “personal” too, as well as 13 , with display becoming sharper and storage 14 increasing. They were thought of, like people, 15 generations, with the distance between generations much 16 .
  It was within the computer age that the term “information society” began to be widely used to describe the 17 within which we now live. The communications revolution has 18 both work and leisure and how we think and feel both about place and time, but there have been 19 views about its economic, political, social and cultural implications. “Benefits” have been weighed 20 “harmful” outcomes. And generalizations have proved difficult.
  1. [A] between [B] before[C] since[D] later
  2. [A] after[B] by[C] during[D] until
  3. [A] means[B] method[C] medium[D] measure
  4. [A] process[B] company[C] light[D] form
  5. [A] gathered[B] speeded[C] worked[D] picked
  6. [A] on[B] out[C] over[D] off
  7. [A] of[B] for[C] beyond[D] into
  8. [A] concept[B] dimension[C] effect[D] perspective
  9. [A] indeed[B] hence[C] however[D] therefore
  10. [A] brought[B] followed[C] stimulated[D] characterized
  11. [A] unless[B] since[C] lest[D] although
  12. [A] apparent[B] desirable[C] negative[D] plausible
  13. [A] institutional [B] universal[C] fundamental[D] instrumental
  14. [A]ability[B] capability[C] capacity[D] faculty
  15. [A] by means of[B] in terms of[C] with regard to [D] in line with
  16. [A] deeper[B] fewer[C] nearer[D] smaller
  17. [A] context[B] range[C] scope[D] territory
  18. [A] regarded[B] impressed[C]influenced[D] effected
  19. [A] competitive[B] controversial[C] distracting[D] irrational
  20. [A] above[B] upon[C] against[D] with


  1.答案:[A] between
  此题属于语法题。先项[A] between表示“在……之间”。考生可能熟悉between作介词的用法,却不了解其实它还可作为副词,例如:We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon, and we have lunch between. 我们上午有四节课,下午有两节课,期间我们进午餐。本题主要考查副词的用法。上文中提到了20世纪电视的发展及15、16世纪印刷术的传播,下文则讲到了这两个时间之间民生的一些事情。因此,根据上下文的关系,应选择[A] between。选项[B] before表示“在……之前”,既可作介词,也可作连词,例如:Before the class, I went over the lesson. 又如:Before the discussion began, I had a cup of tea. 选项[C] since 表示“既然”,可作介词、连词,也可作副词,例如:I haven’t written home since Christmas. 又如:I have been at his bedside since he became ill. 再如:Things have not changed very much since. 选项[D] later 表示“后来”例如:a week later. 这三个选项都不符合题意。
  2.答案:[D] until
  此题属于词语搭配题。读完此句,考生可以发现本句的主要结构是it was not until...that...,这是固定搭配,not until用于强调,例如:It was not until you told me that I knew he was the famous singer. 故选[D] until.其余选项:[A] after, [B] by和[C] during都与本题的语意不符。
  3.答案:[C] medium
  此题属于语意搭配题。选项[C] medium表示“媒体”。根据考生的常识不难判断本句中的主语newspaper应该属于medium(媒体)的一种。选项[A] means 意为“方法,手段”;选项[B]method意为“方法”;选项[D] measure意为“措施”。
  4.答案:[B] company
  此题属于语意搭配题。上文中的in the wake of the pamphlet and the book意为“伴随首小册子和书籍的出现”,据此可以判断与此相对应的应该是in the company of the periodical(伴随着期刊的兴起)。所以[B]是正确答案。选项[B]是正确答案。选项[B]:in the company of意为“在……的陪同下,伴随着”,例如:I traveled Egypt in the company of two teachers.(我在两个老师陪同下游览了埃及。)选项[A]:in the process意为“在进行中”,例如:The new library is in the process of being decorated.新图书馆正在进行装修。选项[D]: in the light of意为“鉴于,依据……看来”,例如:In the light of the accident, we have put off the meeting till next week. (鉴于这次事故,我们已经把会议推迟到下个星期。)选项[D]:in the form of意为“以……的形状”,例如:Te cookies were in the form of stars.(那些饼干的形状都像星星。)
  5.答案:[B] speed
  此题属于词语搭配题。本题主要考查动词短语的含义,这是考查的一个重点。选项[B]:speed (up)意为“加速”,例如:The train gradually speeded up.(火车逐渐加速了。)不难看出本句的含义是“在15世纪到20世纪之间,从火车、电报、电话到汽车、飞机、交通,通信业的变革速度越来越快”,故选[B]。选项[A]:gather (up)意为“收集”,例如:gather up one’s papers; 选项[C]:work (up)意为“逐步发展”,例如:work up to a climax(渐至高潮);选项[D]:pick (up)意为“捡起,学会”,例如:pick up a few words.
  6.答案:[A] on
  此题属于词语搭配题。选项[A] on可表示“持续地”,例如:He coughed on the whole night. lead on则表示“带头,走在前面”,例如:If you lead on, we will follow behind.原句很长,考生可通过分析句子结构来理解其含义。我们可以发现主语是communications revolution,而beginning与leading两个分词结构作状语,因此所填的空格要与leading这个关键词有关。因此[A]符合题意,是正确答案。选项[D]off跟在lead之后表示“开始”,例如:She led off with a song.(她以唱歌开始。)其他的选项[B]out和[C]over都不能与lead搭配。
  7.答案:[D] into
  此题属于语法题。选项[D]into意为“进入”,强调动态,例如:work far into the night。上文中有through the telegraph...,下文是the 20th century world, 说明革命一直持续直到进入20世纪,故选[D]。选项[A]of可表示所有、所属关系,例如:the legs of a chair。选项[B]for意为“为了”,例如:Do more exercise for the good of your health. 选项[C] beyond意为“超越”,例如:The town has changed beyond my recognition.
  8.答案:[D] perspective
  此题属于语意搭配题。本题考查的是介词与名词的语意搭配。选项[D]perspective意为“透视图,看法”; in perspective意为“正确地,适当地”,例如:look at things in perspective(正确地观察事物)。[D] 符合题意,是正确答案。选项[A]concept意为“概念”,例如:a concept of space; 选项[B]dimension意为“尺度,维度”,例如:The dimension of the window is 150cm long by 120cm wide. 选项[C]effect意为“效果”;in effect意为“实际上”,相当于in fact, 例如:In effect the government has lowered the taxes for the rich and raised them for the poor.(实际上政府已经降低了富人们的税收而提高了穷人们的税收。)此题表明考生应多注意介词与名词的搭配词语。

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