

[01-23 15:51:12]   来源:http://www.duoxue8.com  考研英语   阅读:497

 I. Reading (30%)

  Read the following passages and choose the best answer from the 4 choices below each question.

  Passage 1:

  The common belief of some linguists that each language is a perfect vehicle for the thoughts of the nation speaking it is in some ways the exact counterpart of the conviction of the Manchester school of economics that supply and demand will regulate everything for the best. Just as economists were blind to the numerous cases in which the law of supply and demand left actual wants unsatisfied, so also many linguists are deaf to those instances in which the very nature of a language calls forth misunderstandings in everyday conversation, and in which, consequently, a word has to be modified or defined in order to present the idea intended by the speaker: “He took his stick-no, not John's, but his own.” No language is perfect, and if we admit this truth, we must also admit that it is not unreasonable to investigate the relative merits of different languages or of different details in languages.

  1)The primary purpose of the passage is to _________.

  A.refute a belief held by some linguists.

  B.show that economic theory is relevant to linguistic study.

  C.illustrate the confusion that can result from the improper use of language.

  D.suggest a way in which languages can be made more nearly perfect.

  2)The misunderstanding presented by the author in line 7 is similar to which of the following?

  I.X uses the word "you" to refer to a group, but Y thinks that X is referring to one person only.

  II.X mistakenly uses the word "anomaly" to refer to a typical example, but Y knows that "anomaly" means "exception."

  III.X uses the word "bachelor" to mean "unmarried man," but Y mistakenly thinks that bachelor means "unmarried woman."

  A.I only

  B.II only

  C.III only

  D.I and II only

  3)In presenting the argument, the author docs all of the following EXCEPT _________.

  A.giving an example.

  B.drawing a conclusion.

  C.making a comparison.

  D.presenting a paradox.

  4)Which of the following contributes to the misunderstanding described by the author in line 7 ?

  A.It is unclear whom the speaker of the sentence is addressing.

  B.It is unclear to whom the word "his" refers the first time it is used.

  C.It is unclear to whom the word "his" refers the second time it is used.

  D.The meaning of "took" is ambiguous.

 II.Correct errors in the following sentences: underline the wrong parts and put tbc correct ones in the brackets. (10%)

  1.The first national park in world, Yellowstone National Park, was established in 1872.

  2.Minoru Yamasaki is an American architect who works departed from the austerity frequent associated with architecture in the United States after the Second World War.

  3.The 1983 Noble Prize in Medicine was awarded to Barbara McClintock for her experiment with maize and her discoveries regardless the nature of DNA.

  4.Potential dehydration is the often greatest hazard that a land animal faces.

  5.The culinary expert Fannie Farmer taught dietetics, kitchen management, and to cook at her famous Boston school.

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