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Top Ten Things That Sound Dirty In Law

[11-11 12:05:54]   来源:http://www.duoxue8.com  趣味英语   阅读:761
Top Ten Things That Sound Dirty In Law,标签:趣味英语资料大全,http://www.duoxue8.com

The Top Ten Things That Sound Dirty In Law, But Aren‘t...

       1. Think you can get me off?

  2. The judge gave her the stiffest one he could.

  3. Can you get him to drop his suit?

  4. For $200 an hour, she better be good!

  5. Better leave the handcuffs on.

  6. Is it a penal offence?

  7. His attorney withdrew at the last minute.

  8. Counsellor, let‘s do it in chambers.

  9. He is one hard judge!

  10. Have you looked through her briefs?

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