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[02-05 03:52:31]   来源:http://www.duoxue8.com  小学六年级英语试卷   阅读:843



                      总分 120分         时间 60分钟


(  )1. There ___________ lots of shops in the street.

A. be       B. is     C. are

(  )2. __________ is in New York.

A. Chinatown     B. thank you     C. goodbye

(  )3. Amy and Sam are going to China next year. They are_________ in England now.

A. studying Physics       B. learning Chinese         C. having a party

(  )4. I___________ to Guangzhou from Beijing yesterday.

A. flew      B. walked       C. ran

(  )5. Shenzhou V flew into space in___________.

A.2003       B.2005       B.2007


funny        had         miss        sending         write

Hi, Ling ling ,

How are you? I had a very _6_ day on Saturday. We _7_ a picnic in the park. I’m _8_ some photos. I_9_ everyone in China. Please_10_ soon.

6.___    7.___     8.___    9.___    10.___





1playing, but, is, she, mother, is, her, calling(.)


2. can, I, this, carry, bag,(.)


3.I, this, have, can, cap(?)


4. herself, wrote, book, she, a, about(.)


5. easy, to, with, make, it’s, mistakes, English(.)



A: Hello, Sam! __________________

B: I’m going to the park.

A: What are you going to do there?


A: Why are you taking so many foods?


A: When did you buy the foods?


A: How much are they?

B:______________________ I must go now. My friends are waiting for me.

A: Enjoy your picnic. Bye.

A.     I am going to have a picnic.

B.      Because there are six friends with me.

C.      Where are you going to go?

D.     I bought them last night.

E.      Fifty yuan.
pep六年级英语下册期末测试题 结束。

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