

[01-23 16:26:27]   来源:http://www.duoxue8.com  英语四级考试试题   阅读:372
  One thing I'm concerned about is our practice of putting (38)offenders in jail who haven't harmed anyone. Why not work out some system (39)whereby they can pay back the debts they owe society instead of(40) incurringanother debt by going to prison, and of course, coming under the (41)influence of hardened criminals? I'm also concerned about the short prison sentences people are (42)serving for serious crimes. Of course, one alternative to this is to (43)restore capital punishment, but I'm not sure I would be for that. I'm not sure it's right to take an eye for eye.

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2010年6月英语六级A卷真题 结束。
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