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九年级英语第十五单元At home with the twins -英语教案

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九年级英语第十五单元At home with the twins -英语教案,标签:九年级英语教案资料大全,http://www.duoxue8.com
make a mistake搞错, 误会
They call me Lily sometimes and I don’t always tell them they\ve
made a mistake.
他们有时叫我Lily, 但我并不每次对他们说他们搞错了.
make a mistake犯错误, 出错
Everyone may make mistakes in life.
You made many mistakes in your exercises.
We should make as few mistakes as possible in our work.

11.too, either和also表示“也”
too用于口语, 语气较强, 放在句尾, 或作插入语放在句中.
also一般用于正式场合, 紧靠动词.
either作为副词表示“也”, 一般用于否定句中, 与too相对,放在句尾.
He will go to town tomorrow. I shall go, too.
他明天将进城去, 我也去.
He was in Beijing last summer, too.
I also w

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